Berry Pancake Casserole

Berry Pancake Casserole




Embrace Your Morning Glow: A Breakfast for Self-Love

In a world that often celebrates the hustle and bustle, there’s something beautifully empowering about embracing your high-maintenance self. So go ahead, set your standards high and be unapologetically you! Begin your day in a way that reflects your unique personality, your journey, and the aspirations you hold dear. And what better way to kickstart this journey than with a breakfast that resonates with your soul?

At the heart of this morning ritual is a key element that we simply adore – berries. These tiny, flavorful gems, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, pack a punch of nutrients that your body will thank you for. Beyond their delicious taste, berries offer a powerhouse of antioxidants, essential vitamins, and fiber.

Why do we heart berries so much? Well, these vibrant fruits contribute not only to a satisfying palate but also play a crucial role in supporting a healthy heart. The antioxidants in berries work wonders for cardiovascular well-being, giving you another reason to indulge guilt-free in your morning berry feast.

But it doesn’t stop there – berries are like nature’s brain boosters. Packed with nutrients that promote cognitive function, starting your day with these tiny wonders can help enhance your brain health. Imagine kicking off your morning with a burst of mental clarity and focus – that’s the magic of berries at work.

And let’s not forget the radiant skin that comes as an added bonus. The natural sweetness of berries is not just a treat for your taste buds but also a secret ingredient for maintaining glowing skin. The antioxidants in berries combat free radicals, contributing to a healthy and vibrant complexion.

So, here’s to a breakfast that goes beyond filling your stomach – it’s about nourishing your body, embracing your uniqueness, and setting a positive tone for the day ahead. As I always say, be high-maintenance if that’s what makes you feel your best. Let your breakfast be a celebration of self-love, with berries leading the way to a healthier, happier you. Start your day with this delightful berry-packed bake, and don’t be surprised if it becomes a staple part of your journey towards holistic well-being.



150 grams Kodiak Cakes
40 grams whey protein powder (I used plain, unsweetened)
20 grams oat flour
3 grams sea salt
2 grams stevia
55 grams erythritol (if using unsweetened whey protein)
80 grams nonfat greek yogurt (I love Fage or Siggi’s) 
100 grams egg whites 
1 tsp baking powder

120 ml unsweetened almond milk

28 grams melted Iced Oatmeal Cookie 


Toppings (fresh or frozen):
40 grams blueberries 
100 grams strawberries 

To Make:

In a bowl, combine all your ingredients except your berries. Pour into a 7×11” or 8×10” parchment paper lined baking dish. Top with your berries. Bake for 28-30 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool completely. Slice into 6 larger or 8 smaller pieces. Top with your favorite goods! Think… a little maple syrup, more berries, whipped cream. A little extra drizzle of your favorite Cocoa Bar never hurts either.

Macros for 6 bars:

130 calories 


Macros for 8 bars:

97 calories


Saved in MFP: Macro Minded Monique-Berry Pancake Casserole 

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